Qualified Teachers Championing Children


Education Experts

Maths and English for 7-16 year olds including 11+ exam preparation.

Specialising in building confidence, courage and resilience.

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First class Maths and English for 8-16 year olds.

Specialising in building confidence, courage and resilience.



Every child learning journey is unique and Annie has all the tools and experience to create a bespoke tutoring service for you or your child.

Annie Holmes is a first class private tutor in Hampshire who offers Maths and English tuition to children aged 8-16. Annie’s unique approach aims to build confidence and self-esteem as well as academic achievement, as she believes they have a direct effect on each other.

For the 11+ Plus, Annie helps get those competitive grades but also helps bring out the confidence and personality of a child which is often much more important to schools than just grades. With GCSE, she specialises in children who are predicted a low grade or borderline pass and ensure they achieve at least a 4 or 5 grade.

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About Annie.

Annie qualified in Education 25 years ago in London. Annie is a tutor, examiner, journalist, speaker, and presenter on Wellbeing Radio.

“I provide parents and children with a tutoring service that offers more than just academic success. I have a wealth of experience to help your child achieve their best in Maths and English: from helping children with SEN pass their GCSEs to helping children get into the ‘top’ grammar and private schools, such as Eton. I now specialise in those children of all ages who want to feel confident in Maths and English. As an exam marker, I am well equipped to help with exams, including SATS, 11+ Common Entrance and GCSE. Annie Holmes Tutoring is here to help you and your child ensure they have the best start in life possible, and wherever you live, your child can get help to achieve their best results meaning you do not need to worry anymore.

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Schoolosophy is Annie’s show on Wellbeing Radio, featuring experts, other parents, and also hearing from the children themselves. It’s full of things to help parents support their child through school academically, socially, and personally.

Schoolosophy is available on demand at www.wellbeingradio.com/presenters/annieholmes

or on Apple podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud.

Read Annie's Blog »

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